Software Developer

Juan Agile Scrum

Juan R Labrada

Recent Experiments

Gallery 1

Changing the image width and height on hover within a grid.

Gallery 2

Changing the image width on hover within a grid.

Mermaid Graph

Creating a UML graph using Mermaid.

Mermaid Demo

   direction TB

   accTitle: This is the accessible title
   accDescr: This is an accessible description

   classDef notMoving fill:white
   classDef movement font-style:italic;
   classDef badBadEvent fill:#f00,color:white,font-weight:bold,stroke-width:2px,stroke:yellow

   [*] --> Still:::notMoving
   Still --> [*]
   Still --> Moving:::movement
   Moving --> Still
   Moving --> Crash:::movement
   Crash --> [*]


Recent Products


Model based code generator


Palette generator

Model based code generator

Palette Generator

Utm builder

This tool helps create Utm urls for ad campaigns.

Utm Builder

Recent Experiences

Senior Software Developer

Monetize More

Senior Software Developer


Senior Software Developer


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Liskov Substitution Principle

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